The Comparative Linguistic Analysis Score (CLAS)TM is a unique scoring system developed by Opinyin and powered by its patented AI. It uses an algorithm to read the customer feedback and take a subjective view of a comparative score on the same scoring system used for the given score, i.e. NPS®, based on how the customer has said they feel. 

Why a comparative score?

  • People often won't give us more than an 8 even though we know they love us.
  • Customers don't understand the scoring range or regularly misread it.
  • We worry that people are gaming the system by asking for high scores.

These and more are regularly heard frustrations with customer satisfaction measurement systems that use simple ranges, whether it be numbers, faces or stars. Some systems try to overcome this by aligning the numbers with corresponding adjectives which go some way to addressing this issue, but do not reflect the whole customer experience.

Opinyin's CLAS is based on what the customer says in their feedback about the experience. It takes a baseline score based on the target topic in the question and then uses multiple linguistic signals, such as sentiment, intent and guidance; extracted by the AI from the rest of the text, to adjust the score so that it better reflects the overall experience. The results are presented alongside the traditional score and when used together, provide a unique and valuable additional data point.

CLAS deals with the frustrations mentioned above as well as highlighting those customers who have been generous with the score but are not happy.

NPS is a registered trademark, and Net Promoter Score is a service mark, of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc. and Fred Reichheld.